How to Connect Your WordPress Site to Google Currents

Google recently announced Google Currents. But DID YOU KNOW it can also be a mobile app that YOU can use to create a mobile “edition” of your WordPress site? It takes about 15 minutes to setup (assuming you have a running WordPress site of course).

Once created, you’ll find your mobile edition on the Google Currents app.

Here is a video on how to get it going!


  1. Hi, I tried to use a Wordpress Feed to create my Currents mobile website but if I use the tag the feed show only the first page of my post and in Currents the post has only one page.

    Do you have a solution for this problem?

  2. Ops, the tag was 'nextpage' (the form transformed "< ! - -" in code).

  3. Yep! I am glad you got that figured out!
    Let me know if you have any other issues. :)

  4. Do you have any solution for the problem Wordpress multi page problem?
